Friday, August 28, 2009

Shaquille O'Neal Stand-in Needed

Hello All…Please read carefully!

I am looking for a stand in for Shaq’s body double for a SAG national commercial shooting on September 15th and 16th in Orlando. The callback is scheduled for September 14th. The audition will take place sometime next week in Orlando. You need similar height and similar build.

I am also looking for a stand in for Shaq’s BACK. For this role, you do no need to have Shaq’s height just a similar BACK. Your back should have good muscle tone, dark skin tone, and good/healthy looking skin…NO tattoos and NO love handles. The audition will take place in Orlando on Monday, August 30th. The callback is scheduled for September 14th. The shoot dates are September 15th and 16th.

If you are interested and available, please contact me no later than 5:00pm today.

Thanks and have a fantastic weekend!

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